I am so proud of my little cat! He is now 7 months old, time to get his shots and get "snipped"! He pretty much OWNED this visit. He goes in next Wednesday morning to get fixed. I wonder how that visit will go as he has never been away from home (even though it's just day surgery).
He gets into the carrier by himself with no fuss. 5 bonus points there.
He's quiet in the car. Another 5 points.
He came out on his own when I opened the door and called him out to get weighed. (7.4 lbs.) 5 points.
He was a bit hesitant to come out of the carrier when we went into the exam room, but I don't blame him for that- a really loud beagle was baying away across the hall. Tobe's never heard or seen a dog before. So no deduction of points. He came out after I verbally coaxed him.
He met Dr. O'Brien head on, 5 points.
He let her handle him from balls to teeth with no fuss, 50 bonus points!
He butterballed himself up on top of the TV in the room and stared the beagle down through the door, calm as could be. 5 points, lmao.
When Dr. O'Brien came in the room with his shots, he let he take him down and lay on the table and got his shots with no flinching whatsoever! 25 points!
A good 100 point vet visit! LOL! And, I found out he has some Bengal in him... Ultra long legs and his markings on his belly and in the rest of his coat. He also uses his paws a lot like we use our hands, and I guess that is a trait of Bengals as well. We only know his mother (who escaped for two night and got knocked up). No clue who baby-daddy is. I'm just glad my training of him paid off. He is such a boy cat I was a little worried he might be a problem. Handled him from an itty bitty newborn on. Made sure he got used to his paws, ears, mouth and belly being handled. Made sure he got used to the carrier and car rides. It has sooo paid off having a well mannered kitten! When we got home he was a little off from the shots and actually came up on the bed and wanted to be cuddled. I think he was worried going to the vet was a punishment, so he decided to be extra lovey and good that night.
All I can say is YEAY TOBY! Good boy!
Next up, you get snipped!