Monday, May 12, 2008

Unconscious Mutterings *playing catch up!*


  1. Thug :: religious cult
  2. Slurp :: ice cream
  3. Alley :: cat
  4. Sweater vest :: um... *snicker*
  5. Targeted :: BANG!
  6. Snazzy :: dresser
  7. Oy! :: iggy! iggy! iggy!
  8. Jury duty :: yuck, civil duty my ass!
  9. Low fat :: GAG
  10. Responsibility :: solemn


  1. State :: of the union
  2. Lively :: capers
  3. Valet :: luxury
  4. Traction :: cast
  5. Official :: over
  6. Red hot :: chili peppers
  7. Powder :: Grammy
  8. Replies :: tells
  9. Flagrant :: floral
  10. Tweet :: birdy!


  1. Track :: record
  2. Snake :: on a plane (do not watch that movie, it sucked!)
  3. Assignment :: homework
  4. Blockbuster :: movie
  5. Bombastic :: mr. lover lover
  6. Adventure :: fun
  7. First time :: lmao
  8. Aged :: antique
  9. Grip :: getta
  10. Shortcut :: time saver

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