The Green Thumb Project *after and before shots*

This one will be edited! But I just wanted to say I have more garden pics. Well, I will when I take them tomorrow. Updates. The "main" garden spot of choice never got tilled out. So, I used an alternative spot and put everything into the ground asap. The plants were getting a bit upset not being in the dirt, and I'm running out of growing time. I placed them all against the house after doing some digging to get roots and rocks out. I do have to go out and spray some Round Up- the poison ivy is HORRIBLE, and my goal is to COMPLETELY eradicate it. Wish me luck! *pfft* I have some gladiola bulbs to put in the ground, sigh, and I figure I'm going to have to plant them along the back of the dog pen so I can tie them up when (if) they get big heavy blooms. That's where the original garden was going to go, with the glads in the back. I thought the lilies I'd planted had rotted, but I am surprised to see some popping out of the ground. I'd put in some freesia where I had planted them, so I should get both now. I hope. The freesia bulbs looked a bit sad. But you never know. Need more veggies to plant, and a few more herbs. Looking better. Wish I had more money to put into the ground! And I wish I had more muscles, lol. My roses are doing horribly. I think they got frost bitten and buggy. Seems like everything is slow. Growwww!!! LOL! And BTW? The firepit top I rustoleumed purple? That's protecting the catnip from being ripped to shredded sticks by the local cats. Need to let it grow to harvest for our cats!
1 comment:
Looks great!! now when are you coming to take care of my yard?!
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