No nuts here...
Tobes made it ok through surgery. I called at 2pm and he was awake but groggy. Groggy was the key word of the day. He was so happy to see his mommy when we picked him up a little after 4! They took us into an exam room and said no food or water until the next day, and other aftercare instructions. I asked the vet if he was good for him, and he said behavior wasn't even an issue, he had been great. So, PHEW! I have a good cat! (: Well, at least he's good at the vets. (; When we got him home and let him out, he was... Hmmm. He was all out of sorts I'd guess I'd say. He walked like a drunken sailor on leave off a ship for the first time in a year- no sea legs and plenty of booze in the system. And he would not settle down for one minute. Sigh. I knew the signs. He was starving. I knew there would be no way in blazes I'd be able to get away with not feeding him that night. So I took it slow. I put the water bowls back out a few hours after he got home (I'd let him have a sip or two out of the ferret's cup. Yes, the ferret's have their own cup they get drinks from in very dry or hot weather. They will ONLY drink out of this one yellow plastic cup. I guess that's a blog for sometime else, lol.) Then I gave him a few kitty cookies here and there, then after 11 pm I put the food back down and he ate. And then FINALLY settled down to sleep off the drugs. He's doing very well, already healing so fast! That's my boy!
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