Okay. I have: Jet Li's Fearless, 3:10 To Yuma, The Guardian, Pan's Labyrinth, Hitman and The Golden Compass. I also have season two of Bones, and season one of Dexter to catch up on. The weather for this weekend looks like good movie watching weather, so I'm probably going to catch up a little. I also have things DVR'd I need to catch up on and delete. My problem here is I am reading the Earth's Children Series by Jean Auel over again, kinda backwards, and I miss things in my shows if I read at the same time. I think it's that I know they are there anytime for me to watch that I seem to not get to them right away. Lol, maybe I'm just an anticipation junkie. So my plans are to read, watch some movies and putter about my room this weekend.
I vote for 3:10 to Yuma. But that is only because my man Russell is in it.
I have been slowly trying to replace my favorite VHS titles with DVDs... Borders is having a sale and loads of DVDs were $7. Seven bucks! Amazon too, sometimes has bundle packages where the movies cost out to $5 apiece or something. I miss watching movies but there's not a lot of opportunities to watch with people and I have to be in the right kind of mood to watch one alone. Too sad + alone = disaster, funny + alone = too sad. Sooo... while I desperately love watching movies, it's tough getting the right watching sitch in place first. It's not supposed to be this hard, it just isn't.
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