I have been suffering from a bad stomach. I had a bad flare in my 20's and early 30's. STRESS kicks it up. Now it is so bad, if i have a mildly stressful day, I pay for it the next. Just had a flare up the beginning of the year with no end in sight. It's still killing me. You name it, I gots it. Heartburn, Gurd, Severe Gastritis, Erosion of the freakin' esophagus. I'm on meds, meds they gave me while I was in the hospital for a triple play of abdominal badness: Pancreatitis/Gall Bladder/Gastitis. That won me a free one week spa trip to Tobey Hospital. I lost ten pounds and really had a wonderful time trying out pain meds and a fleet of anti-nausea meds. Which, BTW, They didn't believe me when I TOLD them- QUITE CLEARLY- in the ER (right after I curled up in a fetal position and pouted after they told me I HAD to be admitted) that the new ones DO NOT WORK. Compazine or Phenergan period. And yes, lol, I had to look in the Drug Book for the spelling, and I am totally amazed I got them both right. (I do actually have a medical background.) Did they believe me? No. So for a second time, we played let's see if the patient is lying or is an idiot. (I went through that when I had elbow surgery too. Woke up after an extra long surgery to move a nerve and fought hard not to puke my toenails inside out for twenty minutes. They didn't believe me there either. Can we say THREE shots of new and different meds before they finally got it that I wasn't kidding each shot didn't help before I got the phenergan. Right. That got written down on my "Things To Tell The Doc's Before Surgery" list. *SIGH* Doctors? Please listen to your patients, ok?) But I DIGRESS! The NEW med they gave me for nausea in the Er weren't working. I can't even remember what it was or what the other ones were. Surgical anesthesia and agony tend to blunt the memory. I overheard one of my ER doc's bitching that he didn't want to give me compazine because of the side effects, blah, blah, blah... Freakin' come ON! LISTEN TO ME! The only noticable side effect I have with compazine is the freakin' sleepies. And I was so sick it barely killed my nausea! At the same time, they gave me morphine. I had never had it before then. I've been offered it, but never had it. Well, yet another med that doesn't work for me. I had to go to the old standby, dilauded. I have a list of pain meds I am allergic to about a foot long. Thankfully I didn't have an allergy to that, but laying there in agony while waiting for your labs to get done is not fun. FINALLY, they actually took pity on me and got my point. I was loaded up with compazine and dilauded and waited for a bed upstairs. *SIGH* When I was discharged, I was sent home with compazine, but told to try prilosec OTC. Didn't work. In the past nexium was the script of choice. This time they had me on protonix. No clue what it was until I asked a few days into my stay. I am on it right now. I wake up gasping because my stomach contents are in my sinus cavity, mouth or lungs. I run to the bathroom and throw up. Protonix not working. Sooo, next doc visit, which is coming up, I am asking to go back on the nexium. I want my purple little pill back. The whole point of this bitch blog is to vent my frustration about my stomach. Which is so linked to my living conditions and state of mind and life right now. I'm trying to chill out, relax and outright let things roll off my back. But enough seeps through to keep me on that edge. And yes, I am eating the right things.
1 comment:
You're not going to find anyone more sympathetic to the whole stress-stomach-life thing than me. I totally get it. Dilaudid is the best. I am down to situational use of Zantac. Works beautifully but used to be on Prilosec and chew my way through a vat of Tums on a regular basis. Had duodenal ulcers which took forever to heal. Hate waking up with 8 hour old tea in my sinuses. It is vile. I wish you better -
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