Yet another tale. What? You thought I said I was told nothing ever happens here? Well you'd be correct! I WAS told nothing ever happens out here! Seems like these experts (who have lived here for 20 years) were wrong! This involves the 2 town cruisers, a deer (we assumed) AND the town Animal Control truck! Only a few nights ago! It was a bit of a puzzle at first. Once again out on the step. I see a big SUV or truck pulled over next to our field. Hmmm. Wondering what's up. Flashers are going, I didn't hear or see anything. No people, no thrashing or screaming in the underbrush or from the field across the street. Went back in, thought nothing of it. Maybe someone broke down or something. Went back out an hour later, no truck. Well. All done with the visual interest. So I thought. 2 or 3 hours later I'm back out on the front step. Cruiser 1 and cruiser 2 are slowly cruising up and down the road using their search lights to check out the fields. Back and forth. Then another truck joins in. This time, everyone is still up. So I yell down the hall to ask what's on the police/fire scanner for Town of Rural right in front of the house. I get "What?" *Sigh* I Repeat. So that brings everyone down the hall and out the front door. We realy must look like loonies to the cops by now. And my brother-in-law has slept through all these exciting episodes! I'm told the truck is Animal Control. Ahhhh. I put 2 and 2 together. Fill them in on what I had observed earlier. That truck or SUV must have hit a deer. Could have been a coyote, but more likely a deer as we have quite the infestation. We all stand there for the show. I wave at cops 1 and 2. They are used to me by now as I wave at them every night as they go about the town keeping us safe. I observe for a while longer. Up and down the road they go. Pull over, shine the light, move on. Hey. Wait a minute. No one gets OUT to look. You can NOT see into the brush well, even with no growth on it now, from the road. *Pffft* Our tax dollars hard at work. Is Bambi gonna jump out at you with shattered limbs and jack your vehicle? I think not. Plus, they were all armed. Deer VS. Vehicle 101: injured deer, shot fired, report. Standard deal. For Bambi's sake, I hope they did find it, or that it wasn't a very traumatic injury. That deer was probably in Canada by midnight buying cheap pain meds.