“One great use of words is to hide our thoughts” ~Voltaire~
Friday, March 14, 2008
Harbingers of Spring (AKA "The Red-winged Blackbird has Landed" and "On the First Day of Peepers")
I find myself talking to the wildlife out here in Really Rural Land lately. About 3 weeks ago, I noticed the male Red-winged Blackbirds had arrived. I yelled at them that it was 17 freaking degrees out. "GO BACK! IT'S NOT TIME YET!" Yeah. Right. No turning back migration. The females showed up in a separate flock a week later. *insert wise ass comment about smart females here* Three nights ago, I noticed some tree frogs squawking at each other. "HEY! SHUT UP! It's 28 degrees out here for cripes sakes, Go back to bed!" And today. *SIGH* Today, it was the first day of peepers. Friday, March 14th 2008. (Per-request of SS, here's what peepers look like below.)Made for an interesting phone conversation to my fellow winter enthusiast and snowstorm cheerleader, SS. ~Ringy-Dingy!~ (BTW, I had just spoken to her seconds earlier, hence her enthusiastic greeting.) Her "Yeah?" Me: "Hey! Guess what I just heard!?" (in a happy sing-songy voice) Her: "What?" Me: "PEEPERS!" Her "REALLY?????" (squeal of delight) And we have some excited rambling about spring, changing our door wreaths, yadda, yadda, yadda... I have also seen some crocus blooming at SS's on the warm side of her house and tree buds are getting fat and turning red. Almost Pussy Willow time-if not already!?I miss the Snowdrops as there are none in my immediate area, but I bet those have already mostly gone by. The daffodils are coming upand the mild days are really warming up. It's inevitable. The signs of spring are showing. The first day of spring is the 20th of March. I just looked it up. I still want my big snowstorm, and so does SS. (You can purchase nice round stones at the edge of the village green for $5 a stone... I am sure the two of us will be gathered up by a torch wielding mob any day now for our snow loving tendencies and tied to the old hitching post to be stoned to death.) We still have a way to go before short sleeves, flip flops and grilling, but the coming attractions are heartening. Nostrababe here signing out with a sweet sound of spring... This one's for you SS!
:-) Thank you for showing me what a peeper looks like finally. Why am I SS? Can't I just be S? Thanks for coming today, a fun time had by all! Love S&O
What in THE hell is wrong with that frog? It looks like someone's bloodshot eyeball exploded. Urgh.
:-) Thank you for showing me what a peeper looks like finally.
Why am I SS?
Can't I just be S?
Thanks for coming today, a fun time had by all!
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