Just so many exciting things have happened here in Really, Really Rural land. Mostly at night. Did you know we have more than 2 cop cars in Rural Town? I did not know that until I was firmly reminded that Rural Town can and does employ more than 2 cops and can afford more than 2 cruisers, and NEW ones at that! WOW! Watch out for the sarcasm dripping off your monitor and onto your keyboards folks. But I digress. This story is about an idiot looking for a place to hide from the two town cruisers searching for her. Again, I am outside for a breathing treatment... I see a car coming up the road, slowing down and kind of turning into driveways. Hmm, maybe lost. Pulls down my brother-in-law-the-cops driveway. Must have had an omen and backs up and back onto the road and pulls into our driveway. Now. Hello? I had the light on. I AM IN FULL VIEW, CAN'T MISS ME! DUH! She's creeping slowly up our drive and stops so I can't see the nose of her car. I mean, right the hell next to me! She thinks she's HIDING? The town cruisers come screaming from both directions and pull in after her. LMAO. Cuff-N'-Stuffed her. I'm still sitting there, hand on my chin, quietly watching the whole process. Cops #1 and #2 say hello, tell me they will get the car towed right away, drunk driver, blah, blah, blah. I smile and nod. I watch the cruiser pull out to wait for the duty wrecker. It shows up and loads and goes. Cop #1 sits for a bit and begins writing up his report. Now other people in the house have been up and standing behind me, watching the last bit. Break out the popcorn! So much excitement for the evening in the boonies! Be still my heart! I'm told nothing ever happens out here!
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