Trying to figure out if I really am just kidding or not.
Auntie KK has me feeling really guilty. The leaves were whispering louder at me to please rake them out. Nope, IIIII CAN'T HEAAARRRRRR YOUUUUUU!!!! *SIGH* I'm going to borrow SS and J's leaf blower for that.
Auntie KK, get the "Cape Cod Special" grass seed. Run to the hardware store on Main St, Ace Bradfords, and ask for the hardy type grass they use on Cape. (they still employ people who know what they are talking about) It's a mix I think, tough as anything and easy to grow. SS's J could even tell you -he is working on his lawn tomorrow.
Just scratch the ground and throw it down evenly and keep it watered. Don't walk on it. There you go. Auntie KK will have a lawn! Every time I've seeded, and mind you- not a professional, I've just thrown it down and done the above. Comes up like a miracle. J can give you tips on fertilizers and such to keep it going. Ohhh... I hear thunder. Good. I hope it pours. I have Design on a Dime on( My fav HGTV show!), a cup of tea next to me and guilt sitting on my right shoulder.
I'm doing a pretty good job of ignoring it.
Wow, ending on a crash of thunder!
How cool is THAT!
It's pouring out now.
I feel much better!
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