I really need to tear my room apart.
I need to wash some dirty laundry and put away a lot of clean laundry.
I could dust and vacuum.
Put the room BACK together.
Store some stuff in the closet.
You know- "C-H-O-R-E-S".
Here's the rub.
It's going to pour.
A VERY crappy, non-green thumb day.
This sounds like a day to grab a well loved book and chill on the bed with HGTV on kind of day.
With a hot cup of tea next to me.
And some snack type food.
I feel guilty already.
Plus I may want to actually blog something that might actually be interesting instead of blah, blah, blah. And best of all? It's a day to myself. NO-ONE will be home. Peace and stillness in the house. No other people noises, no having to make conversation or helping out, nothing. I could just sit and do nothing.
I feel the guilt nibbling away at me already.
I'm not even Catholic.
Now I just might have to actually DO something!
Anybody else have Saturday dilemma's out there?
Yep. Nobody home here, either. Silencio.
Could clean. Organize. Scrapbook. Watch sap-ass movie. Read. WRITE. Go for walk. Visit library. Take stab at self-attempted plastic surgery.
Or could take fistful of Advil, grab icepack for still-sore back and heat pack for weirdly crampy and congested-feeling abdomen and go back to bed.
Pity you're not a tad closer.
Yeah, I wish. Today is a chillin' day. Too bad I don't have a car yet either. lol I could come visit. Soon I hope! It's getting worked on! Enjoy your peace and quiet!!!!!!! I AM!!!!! WOO HOOOO!
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