Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Green Thumb Project

Did some fall cleanup. Pulled out the ratty looking cuke plants and managed to lug 50 lbs. of peat moss to throw down over everything. The advantage of that is it's hiding the beating my flowers took when the menfolk worked on the house siding. My poor garden was mangled! I just wanted to get the moss down and seriously watered before the torrential rains we are going to get for 3 days. Hmmph. Next, later today, I'm going to have to go cover the fish pond with some screens to keep all the leaves and crap out. Wondering if I should buy more fish food or not. It's important to keep them fat so they can make it through winter. So I guess I'll be getting food when I head to Petco today. Sad it's fall in a way. The plants are doing well, still green and pretty. It will be bittersweet to see everything die down for winter. But at least I have a good start for next year. Picked some tomatoes, they are putting out like crazy still. Just puttering around today.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

What's on the Tube

LOVE this movie! 2 thumbs up. Try to catch it on TV or rent it!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Talk Like a Pirate Day September 19th

Official website:
Generate your pirate name here:
My pirate name just happens to be Filthy Jan Drake. (:
I first heard about Talk Like a Pirate Day reading Dave Barry's column ( You just gotta love Dave! It's a day to be silly running around spouting ARRR's! and to avast this and that while wearing an eyepatch. Take advantage of it! This day of days was a grassroots effort that spread like wildfire, partly fueled by Dave's article and mostly through the persistence of these salty sea dogs, John Baur and Mark Summers. ARRRRR! Here's how it all started, it's actually a good read:

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wrap it up, I'll take it. *WITH VIDEO!*


Ohhhhh! You are in SOOOO much troublllle! ~OR~ Sushi, the other white meat.

My mom sent me this pic. She has fish ponds. I guess This Heron thought he'd stop off for some sushi. I think this beats the snake stealing/eating my fish.

Tales From the Front Step/ The Thinker/ And the asshat of the day award goes to...

Just me and the crickets. Laughing hysterically. Me that is. Not the crickets. Laughing- REALLY LAUGHING- at that foolish pic I made. I mean, jeeze. It's HYSTERICAL! See? ROFLSNORTINGMFAO! Wiping tears from my eyes laughter. Ok, you get the point. So I sat, laughing like a loon on and off, scaring the damn crickets.

Contemplated a bunch of things. Was a busy day. Things accumulated to contemplate. Contemplated some things from my past that connect to the present still. Sighed over them a little. Got sad over them a little. Wondered over them a little. Just one of those things.

The asshat award goes to me tonight, I'm afraid. You know when you just say something you wished to God you bit your tongue in half before you blurted it out? Hmm. My tongue is still whole. But I think my foot is so far down my mouth I can feel my toe ring pinching my ass. And it was funny and it was horrifyingly embarrassing and it was a good-lord-suck-me-into-a-black-hole-oopsie-may-I-disappear-forever-"WHOAAAA NELLIE!" moment. Yes, a horrible wince/cringe episode.
One that you can feel the burn from for a while.
Nooo, not going to tell you. It's enough to lord it over me. I pretty much made myself look pretty damn stupid.
"No shit Watson." Said Sherlock.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wrap it up, I'll take it.

This isn't a scale of one to ten. This is a list. Can't tell you how or why I think these sexy men are sexy, some of you raise an eyebrow at my choices. Scratch your head and say, EH? Sexy is more than just looks- we all know that by now! So, that said, it will probablly be a long list. (;

Wrap it up, I'll take it.


Wrap it up, I'll take it.


Wrap it up, I'll take it.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mr. Sandman is an asshat.

I really like that title. I've used it twice tonight already. 0600. Eyes still open. Pounding sand Mr. Sandman? GRRR!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

*I Need a Tissue*

"Due to ongoing repairs, the scent portion of the Kitchen/Fragrance Garden will now be closed."
My poor plants. I can only hope they make it for next year. It's not the "workers" fault. The back of the house needed some serious repair. I just hope the damage doesn't extend too deeply into the earth. When you make a garden, it's not like you just run out and grab some plants to throw in. Shame, shame if you do! Even if you are a novice, you get what you like, or think is pleasing to the eye or just smells really pretty. This was my scent garden. Right by the back door so you could breathe in the sweet cinnamon of the Pinks and Sweet William. Duck around the bold almost melony scent of the Stargazer Lillies. All as you went in or out the door. Just seconds of delight. This was a new plot. Still has gaps and spots from what worked and didn't work. There was some Solomons Seal planted there initially. I added the rest-though my freesia didn't seem to like it there. I am just hoping that next year it comes back, able to live through the damage. A garden is a work in progress. Not so cliche. It has the gardeners hopes and visions and ego growing in it along with the plants. Mine were a little crushed yesterday, like the plants. Ah, well. I'll clean it up when they are done, tend to it as much as I can. Nurture it as it nurtured me with it's memory stirring scent's and colors.

Heckled! The peanut gallery hath spoken!

OHHHHH!! I knew it. I knew there would be something said over my "Hotty Blog". And I'm laughing. I actually picked random numbers/men. Except for Gerard Butler. He's #1 for me and has been for a long time. Well. Now I guess I have to list some more hotties and plug in the missing numbers!

One (Cloven) Foot in the Grave *This IS a Tale From the Front Step*

OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!! I typed this while being extremely aggravated. Freakin' DEER! Did a front step check. That's when I he(a)rd it. Or them. Monsters. Munching on my main cobbler ingredient. The peaches. Freakin' DEER! "HEY! OUT!" They outed. Only to fade into the shadows to wait until the door closed. I know they are out there again, munching away, snorting with glee. I need some coyote pee or something. Where the heck do you get coyote pee? Here's your cup Wiley? Wal*Mart sporting goods section? I have plenty of ferret poop. I wonder if ferret poop would work? hmmmmm... Something to ponder. Too early to fill the freezer with venison. And I think there is a law about heckling deer. *frustrated sigh* Stinkin' deer. I'ma set the ferrets on them. Yeah, that will work. They'll probably play with them to death. I can hear it now. Deer snorting, ferrets dooking. Then munching sounds. Sharing. Ferrets just can't resist something that's bad for them. Ok. So just the poop, no fuzzies. You can laugh. But it just might work.

Wrap it up, I'll take it.


Wrap it up, I'll take it.


Wrap it up, I'll take it.

Dirty Hotty # 9

Tales From the Front Step

Well, I'm cheating. It was the back porch. Dark, rainy. Pre extra tropical Hanna. Going out to the bonus fridge after a pudding pop. Turned the light on, looking out- contemplating a dark and rainy garden and enjoying my Jello pudding pop. One of this years opossum babies comes flying around the side of the house. They can't see too well, see? And The light and I must have scared him. He goes flying to the refuge of that dark, rainy garden.

And totally bonks himself silly on one of the solar lights.



I was in hysterics. Concerned hysterics. I assure you! Concerned I might lose my grip on my Jello pop. Yet I hoped that I didn't miss him bonk into the back steps as he leapt frantically away from the light and into the heart of that rainy garden towards blissful darkness.

Poor little 'possum!
Mean old me!
*I blame the meanness on the tonsillectomy.*



Sunday, September 7, 2008

Unconscious Mutterings *playing catch up!*

  1. House :: WHACK!

  2. Think :: dream

  3. Clot :: blood

  4. Believe me :: trust

  5. Fumigation :: clean

  6. Bore :: drag

  7. Luck :: not

  8. Patient :: rock

  9. Tremors :: shake

  10. Pickles :: poke

  1. Psychic :: nostrababe

  2. Cherries :: pops

  3. Spooky :: song
  4. Groceries :: money
  5. Yogurt :: yummy

  6. Kitchen :: utensil

  7. Nothing personal :: right

  8. Be nice :: lol

  9. Delivery :: candygram
  10. Cry :: sorrow

  11. Stretch :: good

  12. Efficient :: anal

  13. Brunch :: awesome

  14. Afro :: big

  15. Preheat :: oven

  16. Delicious :: mmmmm...

  17. Global warming :: sad

  18. Actions :: louder

  19. Ride :: *snicker*

OK! That's all for now! PHEW!


Not much to do today. No storm damage to speak of. I did my inside chores, nothing to do outside. I don't need to water, weed or harvest anything. The fish were easy- just threw the hose in and gave them a partial water change, threw stick food in. Done. No new books to read. Too nice to be inside. Just sitting out in the screen house chillin' away with my laptop and ice coffee. I'm actually thinking about giving myself a manicure and pedicure. It's still flip flop weather. Pretty toes are a must! I don't feel like blogging anything profound (can't you tell?) So! Fingers and toes it is! I do have to catch up o my mutterings, but that's too much work for now. Later!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tonight's forecast... Dark!

Waiting for Hanna. Love storms! Hopefully I got everything light enough put away. Buzzing with storm energy!

The Green Thumb Project

*SIGH* Sadly, the gardening season is winding down. My gardens look a little sad now. Ran out of money to put more plants in, so just gots what I gots. This season has been very wet. My tomatoes made it, the peppers didn't (well, one hot pepper that just got tossed back in to seed itself for next year.) My cukes were sweet and thin skinned. All the herbs were beautiful, the flowers sweet smelling and plentiful, even now. One thing noticed- the orchard, (mostly apples, one pear and one peach tree) the grape arbors, the pesky bomb dropping black walnuts and the crab apples are all very well endowed with fruit and nuts. The wild berries are also prolific. The choke cherry's too. All the fruit, nut and berry bearers are telling us something. BAD WINTER AHEAD! The birds and animals have been feasting. Cool August, looking like a hot September. Seems to me I remember another year like this. We had 4 feet of snow. Got my Old Farmers Almanac. Look out kids. The Northeast is going to get clobbered. Noooo... I'm not chuckling with glee! Man, time for SS and I to stand on the town green and get stoned for loving storms and snow. *snickering*

Tales From the Front Step

The crickets are chirping. What can I say? Crickets chirp. It's what they do. It was a slow month. (;

The Case Of The Missing Tonsills (Nancy Drew eat your heart out!)

Well, OK, so they aren't missing. They were surgically removed. In their place are two holes you could wedge matchbox cars into. I'm sure some lab tech has my tonsils under a scope and is checking them for cancer-or, they are in some tiny little red biohazard bag with a bunch of other medical wastes in bigger red biohazard bags heading off to be burned at SEMASS. This is already going to be a tough blog for me since I can't keep my eyes open right now. So I'ma nap first and get back to it when the meds aren't conking me out so much.

Well, quite a long break, um, two weeks later. Still recuperating. Painfully. Some things they don't go into detail about- "The Scabs." They tell you about bleeding- yeah, had some. Enough to take a trip to Tobey in the back of the bus. Spasming arteries. Hmmm. I bled. It was disgusting and scary. No big. They tell you about the pain, lots and lots of pain that lasts up to 6 weeks. Um, yeah. Trying to deal with the pain and getting better. They don't really tell you about the scabbing. Just that you will have them. Not what they will look like (horrible white sheets with dark spots and looking like the worst case of thrush in the history of the world!). The stinkin' scabs are HORRIBLE! They make you gag, drool, throw up, cough, sneeze and miserable to the umpteenth degree. They make it hard to swallow, sleep and breathe. I still have craters, no... HOLES in my throat, that are coated with thick disgusting scabs that catch on everything and irritate your ears until you drool and just want to scrub the back and sides of your throat with the sink scrubby to get them the hell gone! My ears still hurt too! Thank GOD the swelling is gone for the most part. I've lost 12 pounds on the tonsillectomy diet and I am sure my blood sugars and triglycerides are a freaking mess. I did try to take my meds by sneaking them into jello. The end result was I dropped my sugars to just about zero and puked while I was out watering my gardens. Let us say that puking after having your tonsills out IS A BIG NO-NO! Had my first real meal last night. Mostly ate the eggplant and summer squash. Can't eat anything hard or crunchy. Eating is pretty much a chore anyway. I don't really miss it. Lol. I took all 100 dilaudid pills prescribed to me. Quite frankly? He could have wrote the script for 150. Yeah, it freakin hurts that BAD! Jello, popsicles, water and pudding and some rice have been my friend. And the biggest friend of all? Tylenol Sore Throat- with Cool Burst! *SIGH* I LOVE that stuff! Thank you Dr. Joneses surgical coordinator for suggesting it! It saved my life! Now- this surgery was supposed to be for the good. It is a hell of a surgery to have, and was my 7th. I'm not scared of surgery. Until my Tonsillectomy. Hello? Mommies and Dadies out there? If your kid needs his or her tonsills out? DO IT! DO IT NOW! Do it young! Having them out at 37 is horrible. I had some funnier stuff I was thinking of while I was zoning out on the pain meds. But those also made me forget. (; And as this post is quite past due, time to go. Please let this get better like they say in the 3rd or 4th week! PLEASE!
The good news? No call about the biopsy. PHEW!