Saturday, June 28, 2008

She's Craftyyyyyy...

Sorry if it's a little fuzzy. This is my first attempt at Iris folding. Um, I tried! LOL! I really should have used a solid on the bottom fin, or the same as the top fin. I was going for a compassy feel. I'm going to make a moon and another dolphin tonight, I think. It's so stinkin' hot and humid outside where we are doing it, I might just grab it to do up in the a/c. But Auntie KK and SS, get ready to try it when we get together for scrap booking!!! VERY easy... Pretty enough to frame, to make cards for someone who'd appreciate the effort and stuff like book marks, etc... I'm thinking about doing a tractor and choo-choo for the O-man's room. Good enough to frame! This is all pretty origami (and other types) paper, card stock and tape. How simple is that? Look out AC Moore! Here we come! I am actually excited about this craft. It is easy, no real special tools required and all you do is fold your strips of paper, follow a pattern and tape the paper. There are free patterns on the web. Well, a bit more to it than that, but those are the basics. A mini paper cutter and a nice sharp exacto tool are good too.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Green Thumb Project

Today I planted some sort of daisy and a mini rose. I moved some ferns over to the pond garden and planted some Cukes, Clarkia, Pinks and Sweet William seeds. I KNOW! It IS a BIT late to be PLANTING. Oh well! I watered really well and added water to the fish pond and just pretty much puttered about, yanking weeds as needed. It was a bit hot and sweaty. But I got things done. I also rewarded myself with a nice cool bath, a bottle of cold water and my book. Coming soon are more pics. Happy Fathers Day tomorrow for those of you who are daddy's. Going to the Cape for a nice cookout. But since it's going to rain, eating in seems like a sure thing.

She's a surgical case

The day before surgery! Went to SS's to spend the night and take her to surgery. No problems before, during and after... I'm sooo jealous! LOL Any who, she woke up all bright shiny happy like in recovery. (: LOL All hunky dory. Speaking of Dory, she kinda reminded me of her. "Oh look! A shiny thing! PRETTY!" *snicker* She wasn't TOO bad, but hey, it's anesthesia. Tomorrow is the dressing change and I get to do that. SS just isn't into gore, so I'll take care of her and show her how to clean it up. The worst thing are the stitches, because the skin is really folded over, so they feel really tight and there are a few disolving ones inside that feel pinchy. When I had it done, all I wanted to do was rip them all out with my teeth! All in all, she's having a better time than I did on my left hand! Twice. *sigh* GOOD GURL!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

BEACH DAY! *93 degree heat wth 100% humidity!

UGHS! What an awful heatwave. This is August weather- GO AWAY UNTIL THEN! SHEESH! Went to the beach to cool off and try to breathe. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Tales From the Front Step

This industrious hawk was diving off the light to get earthworms, of all things!
(Sorry the pics are so grainy, it was twilight and he was at the end of zoom range, lmao.)