It seems to me that some people tempt fate more often these days. The "It can't/won't happen to me." statement type people. These persons are then surprised when they are hit by a bus, struck by lightning, bitten by an infected mosquito, taste tested by a shark or dying from the flu. I'm not saying live in fear and toss a block of salt over your shoulder, but perhaps be a bit more cautious instead of tempting fate. Maybe be a tad more alert and proactive: Don't walk on the side of a busy road, stay in out of the rain, squirt yourself with bug spray, don't swim in chum AND for heavens sakes! Get the darn flu shot! Sneeze into your elbow pit! Wash your hands! You know, it's called p-r-e-v-e-n-t-i-o-n! I ask you again- Have you hugged your Karma today?
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