The day before surgery! Went to SS's to spend the night and take her to surgery. No problems before, during and after... I'm sooo jealous! LOL Any who, she woke up all bright shiny happy like in recovery. (: LOL All hunky dory. Speaking of Dory, she kinda reminded me of her. "Oh look! A shiny thing! PRETTY!" *snicker* She wasn't TOO bad, but hey, it's anesthesia. Tomorrow is the dressing change and I get to do that. SS just isn't into gore, so I'll take care of her and show her how to clean it up. The worst thing are the stitches, because the skin is really folded over, so they feel really tight and there are a few disolving ones inside that feel pinchy. When I had it done, all I wanted to do was rip them all out with my teeth! All in all, she's having a better time than I did on my left hand! Twice. *sigh* GOOD GURL!!!
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