So what was I just doing? I was playing Bejeweled 2 and thinking about a late lunch. NASCAR is on, we watch the Sunday races. *NASCAR : Not just for Rednecks anymore!* I had been surfing for blog fodder. *Found some good stuff* All is quiet out on the front step. I did sustain two minor injuries due to gardening yesterday. I somehow lightly sprained my R middle finger. Is someone trying to tell me something? (I might have done that bringing wood in for the stove though, who knows.) And, stupidly, I moved a barrel last night in the dark that was supporting 5 metal gardening fence pieces. *sigh* I forgot they were there and I didn't see them. I lifted the damn barrel and they CRASHED down onto the top of my R foot, taking some skin off and leaving me with a hell of a welt and a good bruise. DUMMY! Sheeshes! Hmm. my finger won't bend, and hurts, so maybe more than a slight sprain. It won't kill me. It will just annoy the hell out of me. It's freezing cold and drizzly out. I'm mad since I thought it was going to be "nice" out and I had a ton of things I wanted to do. GRRR! Anyway. I am pleased to say my new Byeta dose is really bringing my sugars down. I had the shakes really bad @ 4 ack-emma and had to go down to get a bowl of cereal! It's also cut my appetite way down. I really have to keep an eye on my sugars now. Never had to worry about being so low before. kinda scary. Hmmm... What else, what else? The cat's are all passed out on the bed. OH! I scrubbed the bathroom last night. Good old fashioned on-hands-and-knees scrubbing. Took down the shower curtains and washed them. I'm supposed to paint a color sample on the hall wall today. We will see if I get to it. I'm feeling lazy today. Any way. There is your ramble for the moment! I need a sammich!
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