Some people dream of a gourmet kitchen, but my dream bonus room is a library. With atmosphere.
"The Shelters Of Stone", Jean Auel. I've read this before, many times. I'm the type of person who keeps their favorite books and authors and goes back to visit them often. A second reading often turns up things I have missed, or brings new meanings to light. A third and more re-visit is just to settle into the comfort of a favorite book- like watching a favorite move over again. I read very fast (no formal speed reading class) and retain what I read. It has been said that I devour books. If SS gets a new book I'd like to read, she just hands it over because she knows she will get it back the next day. Lol.
I need more shelves. Like floor to ceiling shelves.
But any who, this is what I am reading at the mo. I love her series and the real attention to detail she uses in her stories. I do tend to skip over them when I pick up the books for the third or fourth time. Auel is a detail rich author (Tom Clancy is another.) and she has mucho research under her belt. I'm waiting on the next book she promised in the series and it's taking lot's of time. She has said she's tired of writing it, lol, so I just have to wait. Pick up a book you have enjoyed and revisit for a while.
I have honestly and seriously never met anyone who reads quicker than you do.
I can't wait to be able to read again someday..let's rephrase that: I can't wait to be able to read something I want to read someday. Even tho firetruck books are fascinating, just not my cup of tea, y'know?
And there is a very short list of books I read multiple times..once I read it, I'm done. Have no patience to go back and read again.
Am reading Bridget Jones' Diary. Only own film on VHS. VCR broken. Useless. Reading book will provide different perspective.
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