I have several works in progress around the homestead here in Really Rural Land. I have the general yard clean up-this consists of not only raking and picking sticks, plus getting crapola and trash/junk into one managable out-of-the-way pile. Burning season ends May 1st, so we have to cut and clear brush and get that all burned up. Weather permitting. Not the fault of the rent-in-laws it's gotten away from them. I have a veggie garden in the planning. So far only the spot has been picked and cleared and a rough sketch of what and where plants are going to go. *SIGH* I have to hold M back... she seems to have a very large mouse in her pocket named "We". I know due to their summer commitments and age/health, I (the REAL mousie) am going to be the one taking care of said garden as well as building it. So I have reeled her back a time or two during planning. This is where the garden is going. A nice sunny spot behind the old dog pen. I have gardening ties i can use and I just need to get the ground dug up and add some good soil and plants.

The Whiner made a comment that the ponds were her and M's project (SPECIAL!). Yeah, well, screw you. I haven't seen any work done on both ponds... not since I met this family. They were clogged, almost bone dry and filthy. When I asked Whiner to water the garden and keep the leaky pond filled while we were away and M&D were away... I may as well have saved my breath. The pond dried to within an inch of it's life and I was lucky to save the poor plants in the parched garden. But that's another bitch for another blog moment. The mouse(s) named "WE" poked holes into the

prefab liner and drained it and popped that sucker out. Next is to clean the gravel and stones out of it. Get some contractors sand, round out the sides, make it a safe fish depth and buy a new liner and get the pond going. The small pond is going to be for baby fish /hospital pond. Water Hyacinth's and lillies will go in for shade for the fish (as well as food and places to lay eggs)
Well, those are but two projects I am working on. Good enough for now. At least I remebered to get before pictures! Can't wait to get my green thumbs into the dirt.
YAY!! Spring is coming!! (so rumor has it!)
Love those little Mousies in the pocket. They are such diligent workers.
Whiner? *eye roll*. It is what it is, and what goes around..will smack her in the back of the effing head someday.
I have a patch that is lovingly referred to as The Garden. I am scaling way back this year - zucchini, yes, because I can't kill it, and I totally use it. My tomatoes die and rot on the vine before they are pickable for some reason so I'm not sure about them... the peas were questionable... the onions didn't take... the lettuce was okay for the first batch, but after that it was lame... the cukes were okay... the butternut squash were small but tasty... Hell, maybe I'll just do zucchini. I've got a little greenhouse dealio full of herbs now... dill, parsley, rosemary, some other stuff. Here's hoping.
And they say gardening is soothing to the soul.
Although each year I keep trying.
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